Plan International’s Girls Takeover put eight girls in Finland in the shoes of political, social, and financial leaders, including Rovio CEO, Kati Levoranta.
Every year, Plan International organizes a Girls Takeover in which “girls around the world step into the shoes of political, social and financial leaders as part of the UN’s International Day of the Girl”. This year, the focus was on technology, and how we can close the global gender gap that limits girls’ access to technology and their opportunities in technological fields. In all, eight girls in Finland spent a day in the shoes of political and social leaders, from Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin, to Rovio’s very own Kati Levoranta, who had this to say about the event,
”By taking part in the Girls Takeover 2020, we want to do our part in creating a more diverse future by inspiring girls and supporting their technical and digital education. A future, where everyone has equal opportunities despite their gender.”
Taking over for Kati Levoranta was Dristi Aryal. Originally from Nepal, Dristi has been living in Finland for eight years. Equality is an important issue in her life, having witnessed gender inequality firsthand. She wants to see girls given the same opportunities as their male colleagues in professional situations, including in tech. During the day, Dristi met with Rovio management and leadership, taking part in a wide program to get an idea of the broad variety of roles there are in the gaming industry. She also gave a presentation to Rovio leaders on how opportunities for girls in tech should be improved, and the importance of equality in the tech field.