Sustainability Achievements

Sustainability Achievements

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Sustainability highlights of 2022.


Appointment of Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI):

We continued to strengthen the sustainability focus by hiring a Head of DEI in September 2022. While many companies have DEI within the HR function, we made the decision to have it under sustainability because it impacts all functions of our organization, including our games. We are now taking strides towards 1) creating a diverse workforce, 2) fostering an inclusive & equitable workplace, and 3) designing inclusive games and marketing.


Enhanced focus on diverse and inclusive game design and marketing:

Through our core products, games, we have the opportunity and responsibility to think about what kind of world we build and share with our players. In September 2022, we appointed two employees to facilitate cross-functional inclusive game design & marketing initiatives. This includes moderating an internal discussion channel, sharing best practices across the company, as well as managing related projects and initiatives.


Becoming carbon neutral:

During 2022, we reached an important milestone of carbon neutrality within our value chain emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3). We also published our next step beyond carbon neutral: in late 2022, we sent our commitment letter to the Science Based Targets initiative – the leading framework for setting emission reduction targets. Committing to Science Based Targets helps us to identify potential emission reductions and to set emission reduction targets that are in line with climate science.


Collaboration with UNICEF Finland continued:

Starting from January 2022, our efforts with UNICEF Finland have focused on Sierra Leone, where we are supporting UNICEF’s country-wide education program through a contribution to the national education funding pool. In addition to our support for Sierra Leone, we have also contributed to UNICEF’s emergency support in Ukraine with our staff for the UNICEF employee donation program in March 2022.


Sustainability at Rovio's core.

  • 2020

    Materiality analysis

    Sustainability materiality analysis was conducted.

  • 2020

    Player Safety Policy

    The published Player Safety Policy clarifies our approach to user generated content in our games.

  • 2020

    Climate change campaigns

    Raising awareness for climate change and reforestation in Angry Birds 2 as a part of Playing for the Planet’s Green Game Jam.

  • 2020

    Girls Take Over campaign

    We took part in the #GirlsTakeOver-campaign where girls around the world stepped into the shoes of leaders for a day.

  • 2019

    Playing for the Planet alliance

    Playing for the Planet alliance was founded by UNEP, Rovio and some of the biggest names in the gaming industry.

  • 2019

    Ranking first in diversity

    Rovio ranked as number one in in the FINDIX study of diversity in Finland among Nordic public companies in the category of mid-size companies.

  • 2019

    Setting a CO2 emission target

    An ambitious target was set to calculate and compensate the CO2 emissions generated by players' mobile devices.

  • 2019

    Donation to UNICEF's education fund

    Angry Birds 10 years celebrations culminated in a USD 100k donation to UNICEF's Education in Emergencies fund.

  • 2018

    Supporting the Tyler Robinson Foundation

    Rovio and Imagine Dragons held a free in-game event in Angry Birds Match to promote Tyler Robinson Foundation, a non-profit that’s helping families cope with impacts on pediatric cancer.

  • 2018

    Fair Play Alliance membership

    Membership of the international Fair Play Alliance (FPA) was established.

  • 2017

    Partnering with WWF

    Earth Hour themed Angry Birds Friends tournament was organized in 2017 and 2015.

  • 2016

    Leading GDPR preparation

    Rovio led GDPR preparation and actively workshopped with industry peers.

  • 2016

    UN's Honorary Ambassador

    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed Angry Bird Red as Honorary Ambassador for Green as a part of the Angry Birds for a Happy Planet campaign.

  • 2016

    Climate change work with WWF

    Joined forces with Apple and other industry leaders on promoting WWF’s work against climate change in Apps for Earth campaign and supported the fight against AIDS with Games for (RED) campaign.

  • 2015

    Helping Nepal with Red Cross

    Supported the earthquake victims with Red Cross through Help Nepal Tournament in Angry Birds Friends and a disaster relief donation of 100k euros.

  • 2014

    FIBS membership

    Membership of the FIBS corporate responsibility network was established.