SQUAWK!! We mean…FORE! The Angry Birds star in a new interactive golf experience, now available to play at all U.S. Topgolf venues with Toptracer technology.
With an experience that blends the physical act of hitting a golf ball with the digital, physics-based destruction that Angry Birds delivers, fans can expect a familiar twist on the quintessential slingshot experience. With club in hand, Topgolf Guests use Angry Birds characters Red and Bomb (aka their golf balls) to demolish virtual structures, topple the pigs and earn as many points and stars as possible to win!
Below is a fun overview video from Topgolf, which gives the perfect flavor of what’s in store!

And for some fun, friendly vibes, Topgolf is encouraging Guests to celebrate after a sensational shot with “The Angry Birds Dance”. To kick off the good times, Topgolf has enlisted the help of former pro football star Roddy White and world-renowned entertainer Ludacris to show how it’s done.