The birds love a good stunt, whether it’s taking over Red Square or delighting passers by in King’s Cross Station, they live for attention. It follows that over the years, the birds have inspired and taken part in plenty of eye grabbing stunts to celebrate launches, updates, events, and more. See the best ones below!
Red is the original Angry Bird. The face of the flock. While the other birds were able to rely on their special powers to send the piggie’s towers tumbling down, humble leader Red had to rely on sheer determination. That is until the Red’s Mighty Feathers update to the original Angry Birds game gave the iconic bird his own special ability for the first time ever. To commemorate the occasion, 10,000 people gathered for a massive celebration to send off the update in style in Russia’s Red Square.
Angry Birds Space was the second spinoff to come from the original Angry Birds game, coming after Angry Birds Seasons. The game saw a slightly different flock of birds taking down the piggies in low gravity environments, navigating interstellar obstacles and the gravitational fields of larger bodies. To launch the game, astronaut Don Pettit demonstrated some low gravity bird flinging from space aboard the International Space Station.
When Angry Birds Go launched in 2013, the opportunities for stunts threatening bodily harm went through the roof! First was the annual Red Bull soapbox race in Helsinki, where an Angry Birds Go themed kart tore down the track at dangerous speeds. With our driver in a Chuck costume, how could we lose?
Next, after years of flinging the birds around, it was time for the birds to get their revenge. What better way than applying some head tracking tech to a few chickens, allowing them to steer sleds as they careen down a snowy slope with live humans onboard? Surprisingly, almost no one got hurt!
These are only a few of the stunts, cameos, and collabos in the birds’ storied and stunt-filled ten year history. See the biggest highlights in the video below.