Rovio makes a donation to the Wild Green Charity Battle to help protect the endangered “Mountain Chicken”.
Rovio has always been a proponent of green initiatives and supporting alternative forms of energy, and with this donation, we’re investing in the power of the meme. The wildlife conservation nonprofit Wild Green Future uses environmental based humor and (mostly clean) meme power to fund important environmental initiatives. It was founded by the creators of Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends, an amazing community of nature enthusiasts. When we were offered a chance to get involved in their 5th annual Wild Green Charity Battle, we jumped at the chance.
In Wild Green Future’s Charity Battle, fans join animal based “gangs” and compete for which gang can donate the most in a set amount of time. The gang that wins gets bragging rights for the year and glory for their chosen animal, and all donations raised will contribute to a number of grants focused on nature conservation and sustainability. Every year the scope of their Charity Battle has grown, and we’re thrilled to be a part of it.
Our donation has fully funded the first round of this year’s Charity Battle, which provides a grant to conserve the Mountain Chicken. We were excited to be able to help a fellow bird species, but we’ve since learned that the Mountain Chicken is more a, er.. frog.
“Not a bird at all, but one of the most endangered frogs on Earth, mountain chickens are native to the Eastern Caribbean. Once common on their island homes, mountain chicken populations collapsed in the early 2000s when they became infected with chytrid fungus, a disease that has driven the extinction of many amphibians across the world. Now, their last fully wild populations are found on Dominica, amongst the farms and hillsides surrounding the town of Soufriere. Partner organizations ZSL and WildDominique are working to secure a future for this frog species by working with the farmers who live alongside the remaining mountain chicken populations. This conservation initiative has developed biodiversity-friendly farming practices that also boost the farms’ output, benefiting farmers and frogs alike.
With Angry Birds’s generous donation, ZSL and WildDominique will expand upon their existing relationships with participating farmers to provide training workshops, expert assistance, a pollinator garden, a biodiversity-friendly farming guide, and equipment for farming and soil testing. By partnering with the people who live alongside this critically important frog population, we can give mountain chickens their best shot at surviving in the wild.”
With such an inspirational story, we have accepted the Mountain Chicken as an honorary bird!
The Charity Battle concludes on February 11th. Want to participate? Visit wildgreenfuture.org for more info on the event and how you can join (we’re counting any bird-related gang member as a win), and join the Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends Facebook group if you want more joy and ridiculous facts in your life!